TOP TEN MODS for New Morrowind Players - An essential list compiled by Dana Nova Darko. |
1. MGE / Morrowind Graphics Extender
Not so much a mod, but a tool. Basic Functions allow for widescreen, higher resolution, and anti-aliasing, among other functions. A good tool for the average player.
Alternate: MGE XE
A version of MGE designed for high-end computers, this tool is very good at handling advanced Distant Land, Water Reflections, and Shaders. This is the tool that is used to get all those amazing screen shots you have probably seen.
Morrowind Nexus
2. Better Heads by Gorg and Arathrax, compiled by Motoki
Without the use of celebrity heads, this classic compilation adds new playable heads while replacing all of the default NPC faces. Not perfect, but it gets you a good start.
- note: some female redguard faces have drawn criticism
DOWNLOAD Better Heads
Morrowind Modding History
Planet Elder Scrolls [Reported broken link]
Alternate: Changing Faces NPC Replacer by Leeloo
- note: this collection includes some repeating celebrity heads, but nevertheless includes some very good work.
DOWNLOAD Changing Faces
Planet Elder Scrolls / Diana Hliva.com
3 - Better Bodies by Psychodog Studios
Most people who mod their games already use this, as it brings character bodies up to date by replacing the default segmented bodies with a seamless, more anatomically correct model. You can choose between either nude bodies or bodies with permanent underwear. This is considered to be one of the most essential mods by the modding community.
DOWNLOAD Better Bodies
Morrowind Nexus
4. Morrowind Visual Pack Combined 3.0 by Ayse, Lord Gabryael, Qarl, Raptre, & Zuldazug
A very quick way to replace a large amount ot architecture and terrain textures with work from a number of classic texture modders. A plugin-less replacer - install by dropping textures into the texture folder. This is the texture pack used in the Keening screen shots.
DOWNLOAD Visual Pack Combined 3.0
Planet Elder Scrolls [Reported broken link]
Alternate: Connary's Texture BSA at BTB's List
Another classic texture pack in the form of two .bsa files that will need to be registered on your Morrowind.ini file. Textures can be removed by simply removing the .bsa, so you can try this out even if you have another texture pack installed.
BTB's Mod List - 4shared
6. Female Armor: Domina
Essential mods that convert armor so that it has a female version, while adding a few new sets of armor. Adding 9 new .esp files may seem excessive, but I have merged them into one file for my personal use.
The Divine Domina - 1 - 2 -3 - 4 - 5 - by Jeremy McGuinn
Domina Madness by Canadian Ice [4 entries] [Login Required]
Divine Domina Update: Better Bodies Compatibility by Mr.Magic
Darknut's Armor Textures Divine Domina
Alternate: Plangkye's Partial Female Cuirass Replacer / Lokichan This version uses a more realistic body shape, but the collection is unfinished. It can be loaded in conjunction with the Domina mods - it will load after them and update several of the female armors to Plangkye's version.
DOWNLOAD Plangkye's Replacer
Planet Elder Scrolls
7. Better Clothes by Psychodog Studios, Plangke, Keazen, & Darknut
This set of mods converts the default clothing to the Better Bodies mesh and adds some detail to the textures while staying true to their original appearances.
DOWNLOAD at Planet Elder Scrolls
- Better Clothes by Psychodog Studios
- More Better Clothes by Plangke
- Better Clothes for Tribunal by Keazen
- Better Clothes Textures by Darknut
7a. Robe Replacer by Canadian Ice, NoLiv, and Hurdy Gurdy
Choice of two different sets of Robe Replacer sets. These new robe designs are breathtaking. [Login Required for download]
DOWNLOAD at Canadian Ice
8. Graphic Herbalism by [Paul] ManaUser
This mod changes the process of harvesting ingredents to a simple click which visually removes the plant after it is picked, rather than the clumsy default method of having to open plants as containers.
DOWNLOAD Graphic Herbalism
ManaUser's Mods
9. Take My Place by abot
Absolutely essential AI improvement that gives an option to exchange places with an NPC that is blocking your way. The alternative would be trying desperately to jump over them or waiting for them to move, which can be frustrating.DOWNLOAD Take My Place
Planet Elder Scrolls
10. Animation Compilation by Artaios (w/Dirnae) This mod replaces the awkward default player and NPC animations.
Note: The newer version of this mod discludes the first-person animations, as some people did not like their shield blocking their vision.
DOWNLOAD Animation Compilation
Planet Elder Scrolls